Thursday, June 08, 2017

May Book Report



I got my reading mojo back at the end of May. I read 4 books in just under 9 days and am ramping up for Summer 2017 Book Bingo!


The Sun is Also a Star" by The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon was a quick read and my first book for Summer 2017 Book Bingo. It fulfilled the  "Young Adult" category. I enjoyed this one but not nearly as much as "Everything, Everything". This tells the story of a young girl on the day of her deportation from NYC back to Jamaica and how she meets a young man who she falls in love with over the course of a day. 


You Might be an Artist If.. by Lauren Purje was the book I choose for the "Graphic Novel" category of Summer 2017 Book Bingo. I loved this book and enjoyed reading about the creative process. I spent a lot of time nodding my head and yelling, Yes! So True! 


The third book I read was for the "Recommended by a Librarian" category for Summer 2017 Book Bingo. The Girls by Emma Cline was a compelling read which reminded me of the Manson girls and Helter Skelter, the one book that terrified me so much I threw it in the garbage and thought about setting it on fire. I loved getting inside the mind of a preteen and her jumbled thoughts. 


I next read Turner House by Angela Flourney. It was both a Refined Reads for Seattle Refined and fit the "By an author of color" category for Summer 2017 Book Bingo. This was a fast and lovely read. It is a compelling story of a family (the Turner family) and their life in a Detroit house with 13 kids. My only complaint about this book is that I wanted more of the Turner family. 

Yearly Book Total: 22/52

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