Monday, December 30, 2013

The Year in Review

True Family Portrait

It was a grand year! I trained for and ran a half marathon. I got pregnant and documented the weekly changes to my body. Molly and I had a plethora of summer adventures! I canned more food than a pioneer woman! My toddler grew fast and strong! I worried about how I was going to deliver Chicken Nugget before being diagnosed with gestational diabetes again and deciding on a repeat c-section but having a surprise VBAC and gave birth to my second daughter!. There were many, many, many zoo visits, crafting days and trips to the beach. I also documented this year with a photo every day.

This year was full of so much goodness that I can't review it all here. Most of it will live in my memories. I'm really looking forward to 2014 filled with some sisterly love.

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