Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Sendakian Moment

I shall run FREE!!!!!

I took Molly to Greenlake for a run on Tuesday. My plan was that she would sleep while I ran the lake. Alas, plans at times go to waste. The run was fine. My legs were popsicles for the first mile, mile two was pretty good and right when I got into my groove around mile 2.5, Molly fell out of hers. She began thrashing around in the stroller and tossing her body, like a wild thing. I decided to just let her out since I only had a half mile more of my run to do and it didn't really matter if we slowly walked it.

Wait! This is hard! You carry me and run?

Molly took the opportunity to dash toward the water with a frenzy, pick up every stick she could find and run toward the trees like a wild thing. She tore off her mittens and hat which made her cold as it was only 37 degrees outside. The cold led to a complete and utter breakdown which led to me holding a squirmy toddler while trying to push the stroller back to the car. I'm sure if she could form proper words, she would have yelled, "I'm a wild thing! Rawr!"

Momma! I no ride in stroller while you run. I run too!

It was a very long half mile. We finally got back to the car where Molly continued to scream and cry as I loaded her up. I got a lot of sympathetic looks from people all around me.

But 5 minutes after I drove away from the lake, Molly was sound asleep in the backseat. Being a wild thing wears a little soul out and rest is the only way to gain back one's wildness.

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