Monday, June 30, 2014

Twenty Seven Weeks with Chicken Nugget

Maggie - 27 Weeks

Maggie has started going from sitting up to flat on her tummy this week. She uses her little legs like a springboard and flings herself to the floor. Once there she squeals with displeasure. She has gotten into crawl position a few times so I'll be surprised if she isn't crawling by the end of the month (dear lord! Too early! TOO EARLY!)


This last week was a normal week for Maggie with a Well Check visit to the doctor, a trip to the aquarium and a few playdates. I've started working on Maggie's nap schedule. She's such a good sleeper but I'd love to have schedule more/less so that she can get good naps in her bed rather than in her carseat while Molly and I roam around town. Maggie deserves some good sleep! 


Maggie is definitely playing more and more. She has some favorite toys. I've caught Molly and Maggie playing together too! Maggie is also starting to make more noises. It's not just grunts anymore!


I now have to wiggle worms on my hands and their #nomamaleftalone campaign is going exceptionally well. I think I was allowed 2 minutes of alone time last week. It's good this parenting thing though. I know I'll miss these times when they grow up and start their #mamaleftalone campaign. 


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Wednesday Links from Around The Web 6.25.2014


I almost forgot to post a few of my favorite links from around the web today. It's been a busy day/week/month of us around here. We're busy having fun and getting stuff done.

Magic Sidewalk Chalk - Molly and I are so trying this out!

Don't Eat Healthy - Truth!

How to create stunning images with your iPhone

Read to your babies!

The cutest animal prints

Monday, June 23, 2014

Six Months with Mag-Pie (and 26 weeks with Chicken Nugget)



Wow! This has been a huge month for you. We took a trip to Orcas Island and you rode your first Ferry Boat. You are a pretty, easy-going traveler. You slept in your carseat as needed. Settled right down in your Pack n Play and looked at your sister in awe when she did not travel as well as you did, because you found it to be pretty easy.


We introduced you to solid food this month and you've taken to it quite well. You've tried sweet potatoes, avocado, spinach, butternut squash, dates, oatmeal cereal and bananas. You've pretty much liked it all.


On your sixth month birthday, you started swim lessons with your sister. You really liked them. We'll be taking them as a family every Saturday throughout the summer so you'll have plenty of time to enjoy the water. 

First Day of Swim Lessons! #forcedfamilyfun #summerbucketlist

You were also baptized this month. It was a wonderful day of family, blessings and love. We were thrilled to celebrate you. 


You are now sitting up on your own (though I do put a boppy pillow behind you as a safety measure). You like to roll from sitting to your tummy and then scream in anger at being on your stomach. You don't roll very much but we know you can. You GRAB everything, seriously everything! We have learned to keep a wide berth around you so you only grab things that are appropriate. 


You had your six month check-up today and a big round of shots. You only cried for a brief second when you got them and then quickly went to sleep. You are still an awesome sleeper and this month we are going to be moving you to your sister's room. You'll share a room and I really hope the move goes well.  

Stats at 6 Months
Weight: 19 lbs 4 oz
Height: 28 inches
Head Size: 18.11 inches
Likes: Sleeping, Sister Molly, Eating Solid Food (especially sweet potatoes),  Petting Kato (the cat)
Dislikes: Sleeping in the Beco Gemini, Lying on your tummy, 
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

School's Out for Summer!

First and Last Day of Toddler Co-Op Preschool

Back in September, my little girl marched off to her very first day of Co-Op Toddler Preschool and today she had her last day of school for the year. I admit to getting a little misty today even though she's only been going to school one day a week and I go with her. She's grown so much this year. 

1st Day of Toddler Preschool

When Molly started preschool back in September, she was an only child. She wasn't two yet. Her eyes gleamed with excitement when I told her we were going to school. She bulldozed her way into the classroom and made friends along the way. 


This year brought Molly a new sister, new friends and a deep, deep love for school. I can get Molly to do anything if I say that Teacher Janice would like for her to do something. We learned so many new songs with Molly's favorite being, "A Little Drop of Rain".

First a little drop of rain hit the ground, (Tap, Tap)
Then another drop of rain hit the ground, (Tap, Tap)
Then another and another and another and another,
And pretty soon we heard a different sound. (Splash! Splash!)


We're already looking forward to the Pre3's Co-Op Preschool next year. Molly will have the same teacher but will go two days a week. I'll only go one day. I'm looking forward to having Maggie alone for one day a week for a few hours. It will be fun for everyone! 
Monday, June 16, 2014

Twenty Five Weeks with Chicken Nugget


It was a good, regular week for Maggie. She tried a new food, spinach and liked it. We ran errands together on Tuesday while Molly played at a friend's house. She did wake up at 3 a.m. a few times this week which is so unlike Maggie. Once I fed her, she went back to sleep so I suspect a growth spurt. That or my days of sleeping through the night are over. Dear Sleep Gods, I honor and respect you and your mighty ways. 


We spent some good time at the Zoo this week just the three of us. We love going with friends but it was nice to just go where Molly wanted to go and take time to show Maggie some of the fun animals. I think she liked the gorillas a lot. 


We also hit up the beach on Friday afternoon and Maggie got to dig her toes in the sand. I suspect she is going to be a sand lover like her sister. Maggie is also becoming super grabby and nothing is safe within her reach. She's also sitting up pretty much all on her own and has figured out how to go from sitting to her tummy on purpose. Up until this week, whenever that happened, it was a fluke due to her big head. 

Maggie also got to meet her Great Grandma Helen on Saturday along with her Great Aunt and Cousin. Some of Scott's family were nearby so we were able to meet up for lunch. Maggie was passed around and loved on by all of her family. 
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Summer Bucket List


Summer is here and our household has been a bit bereft of fun lately. I've also been thinking about how quickly these days with my girls are flying by and how to best explore and capture the fun. 


Last summer, Molly and I had weekly "Adventures with Molly" which were so much fun! We really packed the fun into Summer. Now that Maggie has joined the crew, I thought it would be fun to create a more formal Summer bucket list for this summer.  


Here's our list:

watermelon molly
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Saturday, June 07, 2014

Twenty Four Weeks with Chicken Nugget

Maggie - 24 Weeks

We started out the week strong with Maggie's Baptism which was a wonderful family celebration. The weather has been wonderful so the girls and I have taken a few walks in the Double BOB (a friend recently gave us her old one) to the park. Maggie took quite the snooze in the stroller while Molly and I played at the park on Tuesday. 


Grandma and Grandpa came over on Wednesday to watch Maggie while Molly and I went to co-op. She timed her poopy diaper so that she was done right as I walked in the door. My Dad presented me with Maggie and her special gift and a big grin. He was happy to dodge that bullet. 


Maggie has been busy working on grabbing her feet, thinking about rolling from her back to her front and trying out apples. Molly was thrilled when I gave her applesauce. I seriously have not seen her get so excited about anything else, ever. Maggie - just you wait, there are so many awesome foods out there. 


The week started to slide downhill with another bout of mastitis hitting me on Thursday.  Maggie was very accommodating while I was sick again. BUT then the week swung back to awesome with early Father's Day celebration with my father on Friday and the arrival of my best friend. We hosted a BBQ at our house on Saturday and spent the day enjoying the beautiful 70 degree weather. Maggie enjoyed meeting my friend's husband and loved playing with my friend. It has been a great weekend so far. 
Thursday, June 05, 2014



Last Sunday, we had Maggie baptized. It was a wonderful ceremony and everyone (i.e. Molly) was so well behaved. Maggie didn't even cry when the pastor poured water on her head and then carried her around the congregation for their blessing.


I was mainly thrilled that I had finished Maggie's baptism gown in time. In the nick of time, in fact. I finished her dress on Saturday night at 11 p.m. I made the same gown for Maggie that I did for Molly with a few changes.  I hope that both my girls can pass along their baptism gowns to their kids. I'm already dreaming of being a grandma. I hear it is a lot of fun! Until then I think I'll enjoy every day that I have with my little family as they sure are cute!


Maggie was excellent in church. She slept on me. She slept on her Granny Annie. She slept on Scott. It was certainly easier than when we had Molly baptized when she was 15 months. I highly suggest having one's children baptized when they are still too wee to get in trouble.


After the ceremony, the whole family headed out to brunch. It was a delight having my brother, his wife and kid along with my parents and Scott's parents together to celebrate Maggie.
Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Harvest Season


Since I planted my garden at the beginning of May, I've been carefully watering and watching the plants in anticipation of harvest time. Luckily the garden hasn't suffered from any pests or raccoon visitors but I'm on alert for both. 


I'm absurdly proud of my garden and all the work I've put into it. Molly gets so excited when we go out to water it. Unfortunately she likes to pull on the plants and I've caught her trying to remove a few too many from their garden homes. We've had lots of discussions about being gentle with the garden but her enthusiasm for the plants is high.


I decided it was time to cull the lettuce on Monday night. The girls and I headed to the garden and I started harvesting. Molly intently watched me and tried harvest her own lettuce. It was pretty adorable.


The best part of the harvest was the salad we enjoyed for dinner. I foresee many, many salads in our future. Somebody has to eat all the lettuce I planted. Now to impatiently wait for the other garden goodies to grow, grow, grow!


Sunday, June 01, 2014

Twenty Three Weeks with Chicken Nugget


Maggie started solids this week! After last week's love affair with a peach, I decided to jump on it and start solids. I wasn't sure if Maggie was ready and so was willing to try but back off if needed. Well I haven't had to back off at all! Maggie loves her food. 


We started with some sweet potatoes. Maggie got so excited that she stole the spoon and got mad when she had eaten all the sweet potatoes off the spoon. I had to wrestle it back so I could reload it. There was some definite squawking when I did that. 


I also started offering Maggie a straw cup with water at meal times. I know she's gotten some water once or twice due to the look of surprise on her face. Hilarious! I'm not expecting that she'll get much at this point but I want her to get used to the idea of a cup. I'll also introduce an open cup in the next few weeks. 


On Saturday, I introduced avocado to Maggie and like her sister, she loved it! It was fun watching her face as she noticed the new flavor. So far, solids are going well. We'll be taking it slow (even though I want to dive in full force) as I know that is best for Maggie. 


The other exciting thing that happened this week is that Molly and Maggie were playing together! It was adorable to watch Molly show Maggie her toys and then Maggie playing with them with interest. 
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