I started posting daily to-do lists on Instagram and I have to say it is so motivating for me. I love crossing things off a list and doing so in a public space really spurs me on. I also went on an amazing hike with a great friend and that spurred me to want to do more. It's amazing exercise, wonderful scenery and I got to spend a huge amount of time just chatting with a friend. I loved it!
I tackled a bunch of goals, some of them lingering this month and it felt good to cross them off. I finally painted the bathroom. I've only been meaning to do it for about 7 years. It took about two weeks but was so worth it. I also finished the long suffering Mitered Square Blanket which was about 12 years in the making. That felt good to finish!

- Workout 219 times in 2019 - I got in 22 awesome workouts which brings my total to 149, which means I have 70 workouts to go!
Crush 100 rides at City Cycle
- Obtain and keep Inbox Zero
- Do NaNoWriMo - This is a November goal so I won't be working on it until November.
- Knit 12 Accessories for charity - I did not finish my June accessory so I'l knit two in July!
Get a new chair for the living room
- Complete an embroidery sampler - I'm working on it and loving it!
Organize the girl's memory boxes
Run/Walk a mile a day for a month
Get window coverings for the basement windows
- Knit a sweater for myself - I've been knitting along but a sweater is a lot of knitting.
- Complete the Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge- I have read 5 of the 12 books.
- Finish the two quilts I have partway done - I have not started this goal.
- Sew a piece of clothing for either myself or the girls - I have not started this goal.
- Replace the upstairs light fixtures - I have not started this goal.
- REPEAT GOAL: Read War and Peace - I am at page 70 and finding this to be a complex meaty book!
- REPEAT GOAL: Read the Bible - I've been doing my daily reading.
REPEAT GOAL: Finish my Miter Square Blanket - DONE!
- REPEAT GOAL: Catch up on my yearly photo books of the girls - I have done Maggie's Year One book, Molly's Year Two book and am nearing completion on Maggie's Year Two book! I have Molly's Year Three, Four, Five and Six books to do and Maggie's Year Three, Four and Five books to do. I can do this!
Bonus Goal: Paint the Upstairs Bathroom - DONE!
- Bonus Goal: Knit Nanoo - Knitting, Knitting, Knitting
- Bonus Goal: Read 50 books in 2019 - I'm currently reading book 31!