Saturday, January 19, 2019

Week in Review 1. 12.19 & 1.19.19


I missed last week's week in review so I'm doing a double post this week. I've been busy going to various eye doctors to figure out my eye situation. The good news is it appears I have esptropia and may have always had it but only noticed recently due to my eye muscles aging and getting weaker. The problem now is my Neurology Ophthalmologist and my regular eye doctor disagree on treatment so I'm going to another Ophthalmologist to get a third opinion which means more doctor appointments. Whew! 



I've been working out hard, partly to complete January's City Cycle challenge of 4 rides every week for 4 weeks and to avoid thinking about my eye. In the past two weeks, I've gotten in 8 City Cycle rides, 5 boot camps and 2 Barre3 workouts. I'm at 66 rides for my 100 City Cycle ride goal and at 19 workouts for my 219 workouts in 2019 challenge. 




I've been focusing on eating more whole food and less junk. I may have let myself lean hard on sugar over the holidays and now is the time to let it go. Acme Food & Kitchen has been offering Whole30 boxes which I've been ordering for our meals. I'm not doing Whole30 per se but there is nothing wrong with decreasing our dairy and upping our veggies! 


I've also been cooking like a mad woman from my Sprouted Kitchen Cooking Club membership. It's been awesome getting new recipes every Friday in my mailbox. I try to cook at least one a week and they have all been delicious! 


The Girls

Maggie had her 5 year old well-check and the girls were insane. They decided to wear masks in the office and dance and basically act feral. Maggie is completely healthy and a hearty 5 year old. She is also exhausting. I registered her for Kindergarten and I'm a bit in shock about it. Excited but still in shock. 

Both girls are taking twice a week swim lessons this month. We decided not to do skiing this year but I still wanted something to get their wiggles out on the weekend. They have been doing great and Scott gets to watch them swim which he rarely gets an opportunity to do. 


Molly is a Daisy Scout again this year and is selling all the Girl Scout cookies. Feel free to hit us up for cookies if you have a need! She's very excited about selling cookies to everyone in our neighborhood. 

Other Goings On

I finished my first #makenine project and quickly cast on for my second. I've been busy printing out the patterns and gathering supplies for my other #makenine projects. I'm very excited about all of my projects and all the knitting I have laying in front of me. I've also cast on for a second mini cable sweater from KnitPicks as I plan to make a few for Christmas Ornaments. 



I'm also addicted like the rest of America to the show, Tidying Up and have started purging my house. I did my entire wardrobe last weekend and it felt so good! I've also cleared out the kitchen drawers, completely purged the bathroom and partially cleared out the kid's toys. I'm coming for the kid's wardrobe next as they have too many outgrown clothing and need a good re-set. 


Monday, January 07, 2019

January Goals


January is always exciting for me. It's when I catch the decluttering bug and start new goals. I do love my goals! Last year I did a post on monthly goals and I loved the accountability. In that vein, here are my goals for January. 


January Goals

1. Tackle the City Cycle Challenge of 4 rides a week for 4 weeks
2. Workout 22 times
3. Work on InBox Zero
4. Knit an accessory for charity
5. Get window coverings for the basement windows
6. Get a new chair for the living room
7. Work on the girl's memory boxes
8. Get Maggie's Year One photo book done
9. Get the basement set up
10. Complete the Declutter like a Mother challenge!
Sunday, January 06, 2019

Week in Review 1.5.19


It's a new year! I started the new year with a 5k run and a Polar Bear Plunge with a great friend! It was such an amazing way to welcome 2019! It still feels like we are on vacation because the kids don't go back to school until Monday. It's been a nice, relaxing time around the house and I'm deep into decluttering. DEEP! I love decluttering and clearing out the old. 



After taking some time off from exercise at the end of 2018, I launched back into it with the new year. I ran a 5K on New Year's Day, got in two  boot camps and two City Cycle rides. I'm pumped for my 100 City Cycle ride goal and 219 workouts in 2019. 



Food has been random and not the best so we are working to get back to regular, healthy meals. I got a few new cookbooks for Christmas so I used them for meal planning and I can't wait to dig into some new meals. I also ordered the Whole30 big box from Acme for dinners. We aren't doing a Whole30 but I like the idea of having some meals with less dairy and less fillers. Also the granola above is the best damn granola I've ever had! EVER! Go get yourself some. 


The Girls

I think even the girls are ready for school. We drove to Scott's family holiday celebration and they asked if they could work in their activity books rather than watch shows on their kindles. I quickly got the books ready so they could and they spent a good hour working on them. They have also been deep into building legos which I love. I love it when they spend hours building lego creations, even if that means there are little lego pieces all over my living room. 



Other Goings On

I started my first #makenine project and am almost done with it. I wanted to knit some mini sweaters for next year's Christmas ornaments so I started with a mini cable sweater from KnitPicks. I also organized all my #makenine projects with the appropriate pattern and ordered the needed yarn. Now I just need to put needles with them. I'm so excited about all my upcoming crafting. 


I also went to the Neurologist Endocrinologist this week to discuss my pituitary adenoma. It was a great meeting but basically she doesn't think this is causing my issues with double vision so I now need to see a Neuro Eye Doctor. So many specialists! I'm hoping we get this figured out soon though. I am getting my prism glasses this week which will make getting around a lot easier. 
Tuesday, January 01, 2019

2019 Goals and My One Word


2018 was focused on "Finish", which was my One Word for the year. I worked to FINISH what I started. I worked to became more accountable and that is amazing to me. 


This year, I'm choosing the word, "Curious". This will be my year to be curious, to explore interests that capture my attention, watch the world with curiosity and just embrace wonder. 

In that vein, I'm focusing on 19 goals, some small, others big along with a few repeats. 

2019 Goals

  1. Workout 219 times in 2019
  2. Crush 100 rides at City Cycle (I'm currently at 57 rides) 
  3. Obtain and keep Inbox Zero
  4. Do NaNoWriMo
  5. Knit 12 accessories (cowls, hats, mittens, etc.) for charity
  6. Get a new chair for the living room
  7. Complete an embroidery sampler
  8. Organize the girl's memory boxes
  9. Run/Walk a mile a day for a month
  10. Get window coverings for the basement windows
  11. Knit a sweater for myself
  12. Complete the Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge
  13. Finish the two quilts I have partway done
  14. Sew a piece of clothing for either myself or the girls. 
  15. Replace the upstairs light fixtures
  16. REPEAT GOAL: Read War and Peace
  17. REPEAT GOAL: Read the Bible
  18. REPEAT GOAL: Finish my Miter Square Blanket 
  19. REPEAT GOAL: Catch up on my yearly photo books of the girls
  20. Bonus Goal: Paint the Upstairs Bathroom
  21. Bonus Goal: Knit Nanoo
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