I've been a bit disgruntled with my Yoga teacher at work. We received a new instructor at work back in May and I've been trying to meld to her style of Yoga. Last week I decided that I wasn't melding. I just don't like her style even though she really knows her stuff and is a great teacher. It's unfortunate but her style does not fit me and since I'm doing Yoga for ME, I need something that fits my style.
Lolly mentioned that she likes to do the classes on
Yoga Today and so I've been meaning to check them out for some time. Today on my last day of my mini-vacation, I decided to give them a try and I have to say that they are wonderful! Yes you don't have the advantage of having a teacher in the same room as you to correct your mistakes BUT I loved the flow, I loved the motion and most importantly I loved that they are free!
So for the foreseeable future, I think I'll be doing Yoga with
Yoga Today a few times a week. They do different topics each day and as one catches my fancy, I'll make sure to try it out.
Now I really need to go shower and get some serious knitting done! I don't want to waste a single moment of this last day of mini-vacationing!