Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sixteen Weeks with Chicken Nugget

Maggie - 16 Weeks

Time is flying by and Maggie is getting bigger and bigger each day. She can now reliably hold her head up and when you put her down for tummy time, she quickly rolls over. She giggles all the time! In fact, sometimes she gets herself going and can't stop laughing so she can eat because bottles are hilarious! 


This week started out with a playdate with Thurston. He came to play with Molly but is so enamored with Maggie. They had some fun playing on the activity mat before Molly demanded that he play with her.


This week has also featured lots of cuddle time with Big Sister, Molly!


Maggie also had her first carousel ride at the Zoo. Molly, as usual, LOVED it. Maggie was 'Eh, that was OK.


This week was also Maggie's first time in a swing. She was not amused and lasted about 3.2 seconds. Maybe next time she'll like it more.


We are closing in on four months with Mag-Pie. I'm preparing myself for the 4 month sleep regression but getting excited about more fun times with Maggie. Her little personality is really starting to shine through!

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