Saturday, September 20, 2014

Thirty Eight and Thirty Nine Weeks with Chicken Nugget

Maggie - 38 Weeks

Somehow last week slipped away before I could get my weekly blog post about Maggie done. I did however get a photo done! It has been extremely busy around here. Molly started Co-Op Preschool again. We've been working to get my Mom settled into her new Assisted Living and Maggie has been practicing so many skills. 

Maggie - 39 Weeks

You'll notice that the chair is in a new place for Maggie's 39 week photo. We re-arranged the living room today and it finally feels right! This means a new location for weekly photos though.


Maggie is eating more and more "real" food on a daily basis. She's packing it away too. In fact, tonight she had two pouches, a 1/4 cup of veggies, a 1/4 cup of sweet potatoes, a 1/4 cup of cheerios and 4 ounces of formula for dinner. I fully expect her to wake up a giant!


Maggie has also almost conquered standing on her own. She's gets so excited though and tends to fall down. She's getting so close to walking. It's exciting and scary. 


We've been having a few sleep battles around these parts too. In fact, last weekend, my lovely children woke up at 4:45 a.m. which is such an ungodly hour. I stumbled around and when Scott got up at 8 a.m. (he was throughly confused by the silence and the late hour), he found the three of us asleep on the couch in a pile. I will do anything for a few extra moments of sleep. 
Monday, September 08, 2014

Thirty Seven Weeks with Chicken Nugget

Maggie - 37 Weeks

Maggie is growing so fast. She's nearly walking on her own and started talking this week. She says Muuuuummmmmm, Mummmm, Mummm and Daaaaaaa, Daaaaaaa, Daaaa and sometimes Baaaaa Baaaaa. I also forgot to mention but she got her first two a few weeks ago and is now getting her second. Go Teeth!


We had another busy week (I feel like I say this every week) but it has been busy around here. We moved my Mom this weekend into her new place. Maggie and Molly were champions about the long day and enjoyed exploring my Mom's new place. 


Maggie's been having a rough time with consistent naps and good night time sleep. I know a lot it has to do with our crazy schedule right now. I'm trying hard to give her the space and time she needs for good naps. We'll get there. I know we will. 


Maggie is now eating more and more finger food. I finally remembered mixed frozen vegetables. She loves them along with beans and all the fruit she can consume. Maggie is like her sister and loves food. I'm happy that they are both pretty good about food. They aren't too picky though I'm still watching and waiting for it. 
Thursday, September 04, 2014

Pinterest Thursday - Growing Green Onions from Green Onions


I thought it would be fun to try out this Pin on Pinterest with Molly. Supposedly you can grow some foods from certain table scraps. With this in mind, I grabbed the ends of some scallions after dinner one night and told Molly about my plan. We put a bit of water in a jar and plopped three green onions inside. They weren't anything special. In fact, I'm not even sure if they were organic scallions.



Then we waited a few weeks. I changed out the water daily (ok sorta daily) and carefully watched for results. 


It took awhile and we had a failure rate of 2 out of 3 but we got one green onion to grow! It was a fun experiment but if you really need some scallions for dinner, I'd suggest visiting the grocery store for faster results. Also my green onion got a little moldy. I'm going to plant it outside to see if it keeps on growing. 

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

The Wednesday Links from Around The Web 9.3.2014


The Strange & Curious Tale of the Last True Hermit

The Ultimate Way to Organize Your Fridge but could I keep it up?

23 Brilliant Home Office Decor Ideas

Thirty Six Weeks with Chicken Nugget

Maggie - 36 Weeks v2

Maggie has officially decided that purees are baby food and that since she is not a baby, she only wants finger foods. It's throwing me for a slight loop but a whole new world of food has opened for Maggie. 


Maggie is also becoming a pro-cruiser. I swear she's almost standing on her own and acting like she wants to walk without holding onto something. She is quite the crazy little wiggler. She's been joining me in the kitchen a lot. I make our meals while she cooks at Molly's little kitchen. I make up voices for Maggie as if she's on a cooking show which makes her giggle like mad. 


This last week felt extremely hectic. There were lots of appointments, a new gymnastics class for Molly, lunch with Pop Pop and lots of running around for my Mom. We're moving Mom soon and getting that all settled. Preschool starts soon so Maggie and I will have one morning a week to hang out together. Maggie will go to daycare on the other day so I can work in Molly's classroom. Fall is almost here and it's going to be a lot of fun! 
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