Sunday, March 10, 2019

Week in Review 3.10.19


I spent most of this week driving to all the medical providers. I did not schedule any of my follow-ups in a schedule friendly manner and ended up seeing the dentist for me, the kid's dentist, my doctor, the neuro eye doctor, Maggie's speech therapist and even the vet this week. Everything is good but that was a lot of doctor offices for one week! 



I had some great workouts this week and I'm so close to completing my 100 Ride City Cycle Challenge. I'll be able to cross that off my goal list in a few weeks! This week, I got in 
four City Cycle rides and three boot camps. They were all pretty amazing classes. 



We tried out Nuture Life for meals this week and they are pretty awesome. I don't foresee us using them often but the girls enjoyed every meal and I liked the ease of using them. 

I'm also looking at how and where we get our weekly groceries. I have a feeling we could be spending less money which is why things like Nuture Life won't be a regular feature for us. They are a great price but I know I can make food the kids like for less. 


The Girls

Molly had a busy week selling Girl Scout cookies which meant I had a busy week driving her to site sales and even worked one with her. She has really been enjoying cookie sales and it has been fun watching her crush her goal. She also helped me do safety patrol at her school this week while the 5th graders were off at camp. 

Maggie has been adjusting to a new teacher in her preschool classroom and enjoying the outdoors. She worked on a potion this week and then I made her move her efforts to the great outdoors due to the mess. She had fun being creative with the materials around her. 

Both girls also went to the dentist this week and got great check-ups. I also decided to get them electric toothbrushes to help get their gumlines clean. 



Other Goings On

It may have snowed on Friday but my mind is already turning to spring planting. I'm ready to get my yard in shape! We had a relatively mild winter until February which allowed weeds to sprout up and I need to get on that task earlier than later. 

Saturday, March 02, 2019

Week in Review 3.2.19


This week was one of getting back to normalcy. Yes, Scott was in Australia but the girls and I stuck to our regular schedule and it felt so good. There were a few hurdles to climb over with the girls. Anyone have any tips on getting them to clean up their toys? I feel like I've done everything - made them a chart, took away toys, limited toys, rotated toys, given up!, cried. All of it! 



I completed my final run for my one month daily mile challenge and I was so happy to be done! I loved the challenge but this was not the best month to have tackled it. Mother Nature made it HARD! However, I am proud that I went out every damn day and tackled one mile though the slush, snow and rain. 

I got in some good workouts this week. I did two City Cycle rides, two boot camps along with two Barre3 classes. 


Food was about getting back to basics this week. I had smoothies or oatmeal for breakfast, good healthy lunches and great dinners. I kept meals fairly simple this week since the girls don't really appreciate my extravagant efforts. I did make sweet potato/black bean empanadas one night and they were delicious. No one but me ate them but they were so good. 


The Girls

The girls and I had a lot of fun this week! We went rollerskating, skateboarding, read books and just hung out together. I really focused on getting back to their routine but also making sure there were fun moments. And most importantly I was able to keep them away from the television which was a huge challenge some nights when all I wanted to do was crawl into bed with a book and ignore them. However I did not and the payoff was grand! 


Other Goings On

Speaking of books, I have already read 11 this year! I'm on a huge reading kick and loving it! I've been making bi-weekly treks to the library and having so much fun with the book selections. I'm positively thrilled to be on a book reading binge! 


Friday, March 01, 2019

March Goals


February was not my month to achieve most of my goals. The two week snow storm and then mid-winter break took away my time and focus. It's ok though! Sometimes you have goals and outside forces mean they don't get done. I did accomplish what I feel were my most important goals and that feels like success to me! 


Here is how I did on my February Goals:
  1. Workout 22 times in February - I squeaked by with 21 workouts. Still awesome!
  2. Finish Maggie's 1 year book - Nope!
  3. Work on Inbox Zero - Got through 2016! 
  4. Knit a hat for charity - Done!
  5. Finish organizing the girl's memory boxes - NOPE! 
  6. Run a mile a day for the month of February - I DID THIS! I can't believe it did it through the snow, ice, rain and wind! 
  7. Start knitting a sweater for myself - I started knitting the No Frills Cardigan!
  8. Start reading War and Peace - I'm only a few pages in but I started! 
  9. Finish the squares for my Miter Square Blanket - did not get to this. 
  10. Make Molly's Year 2 Photo Book - did not get to this. 

Here are my goals for March. There are some repeats but I'm working on getting back to a routine.  
  1. Workout 24 times in March
  2. Finish Maggie’s 1 year book
  3. Work in Inbox Zero - through at least 2015
  4. Finish organizing the girl's memory boxes
  5. Finish the squares for my Miter Square Blanket
  6. Do Molly’s Year 2 Photo Book
  7. Crush 100 rides at City Cycle
  8. Knit March's Accessory for Charity
  9. Read 125 pages of War & Peace
  10. Finish setting up basement
  11. Knit the Murnong hat #makenine
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