Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Blog Goal = Accomplished!


Today I reached my goal of writing EVERY SINGLE DAY on my blog in 2013. It was both easy and hard. I both loved it and hated it. I did however get so much out of this experiment. I wanted to see if I could stretch my creative juices by forcing myself to keep up the blog everyday and I did! I wanted to grow my readership and I did! I did write some posts ahead of time and set them up to post later, especially during the last few weeks since I had a baby and knew my time would be limited.

I wrote on my laptop that was slowly dying and earlier this month was rewarded with a new MacBook Air. It's my Christmas/Birthday present and I love it! I'm also thinking of it as my reward for sticking to such a hard, daily goal.

I love that this year was documented in such a fun fashion. I also loved having some discipline in my life which really has little discipline. As a Stay-at-Home Mother, I have a very loose schedule. I don't have to answer to a higher authority, just two little dictators. I can change plans at the last minute if I want but when I committed to blogging every day, it meant I had to blog every single day.

Thank you so much for coming along on this journey with me. I plan to keep blogging as much as possible but I won't be blogging every day. I'll probably blog three times a week or so. I do need to decide which weekly features to keep up, i.e. Sunday Favorites, Pinterest Thursday. I feel that they might become monthly features rather than weekly features. Let me know if you have any favorite weekly features that you'd like to see!

Here's to a fantastic 2014! Happy New Year!
Monday, December 30, 2013

The Year in Review

True Family Portrait

It was a grand year! I trained for and ran a half marathon. I got pregnant and documented the weekly changes to my body. Molly and I had a plethora of summer adventures! I canned more food than a pioneer woman! My toddler grew fast and strong! I worried about how I was going to deliver Chicken Nugget before being diagnosed with gestational diabetes again and deciding on a repeat c-section but having a surprise VBAC and gave birth to my second daughter!. There were many, many, many zoo visits, crafting days and trips to the beach. I also documented this year with a photo every day.

This year was full of so much goodness that I can't review it all here. Most of it will live in my memories. I'm really looking forward to 2014 filled with some sisterly love.
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sunday Favorite

Time & Place

On Sundays, I usually showcase my favorite photos from Flickr that week. I decided today to show my favorite photo from 2013. The 10 cent designer is one of my favorite Flickrites and so it makes sense that this photo resonates with me.
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Happy One Week Chicken Nugget!


Today Maggie is one week old! I am excited everyday to hold her on the outside of my body while also watching Scott hold her. I love watching him fall deeper in love with his second daughter. He is such a good Dad to both his girls and you can see the love in his eyes as he gazes upon them.

Molly is so in love with Maggie. She calls her Baby and demands to hold her all the time. This journey into sisterly love is going well so far but I fully expect there to be some rough times in our adventure.

We've been to the doctor twice this week. Maggie's weight loss was more than the usual 10% so I've been supplementing to "get over the hump" as the doctor put it. Since I supplemented with Molly, I'm not upset by this development at all. I fully expected to supplement. We've also visited the lactation consultant this week to work on Maggie's latch. She likes to sleep on the boob which isn't that productive of a way to get one's food. I've been spending a lot of time with my pump to keep up my milk production. I should really start a simple knitting project to keep myself busy during my sessions. At least that would make them really productive.

I'm feeling awesome and recovering nicely. It's crazy to feel the difference in my recovery this go round. I could do with more sleep but I think every parent of a newborn has this same wish!

Maggie! We are so blessed to have you as a daughter and for Molly to have you as a sister. We are already seeing your little personality and it is a great one!
Friday, December 27, 2013

Chicken Nugget - 39 Weeks


Today was scheduled to be Chicken Nugget's birthday (eviction day), instead we're heading to the doctor for her one week appointment! I still can't believe the speed with which Maggie arrived into our lives. She's making up for her whirlwind arrival by sleeping around the clock. I'm actually having to wake her up to eat. I know that in a few days/weeks, she'll wake up and I'll laugh about setting the alarm at night to feed her as she'll be waking me up. Until then I'm going to enjoy my sleepy baby who is such a wonderful Birthday/Christmas present!

You can see the entire Chicken Nugget pregnancy set here.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

At Home with the Chicken Nugget


We're home with Maggie and things are going fairly well. We left the hospital around Noon on Sunday which was amazing to me since I expected to be in the hospital for at least 48 hours. My parents brought Molly to the hospital so we could go home as a family. They kindly went out and got us lunch before heading over to our house. 

Molly has taken to the lamb that Maggie gave her. I personally love it so much! I ordered it from the same Etsy Shop (Making Friends) that made Molly's Waldorf doll for her 1st birthday. Molly has been overwhelmed with presents that last few days so I'm happy to see her cuddling it. 

We've been settling in as a family of four while finishing up our Advent Activity Calendar and celebrating Christmas. I took a short walk with the kids and Scott to the bakery and felt amazing. I now know how women do things shortly after giving birth, they don't have c-sections! I'm recovering well but am hitting the wall of tired. Maggie and I are having some issues breast feeding so I'm waking her up every 2-3 hours which means I only get about 2 hours of sleep at a time. I know this time will pass quickly and everything I do is important for our breastfeeding relationship. I'm hoping to get into lactation to get some advice. 

I'm thrilled to have a family of four and am loving my two little girls. I think we are going to have many, many adventures together! 
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Twas The Night Before Christmas

2013 Visit with Santa

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all thro' the house,

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar plums danc'd in their heads,
And Mama in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap-
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters, and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow,
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below;
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,

But a minature sleigh, and eight tiny rein-deer,

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,

I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.

More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and call'd them by name:
"Now! Dasher, now! Dancer, now! Prancer, and Vixen,
"On! Comet, on! Cupid, on! Dunder and Blixem;
"To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
"Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"
As dry leaves before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky;
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of Toys - and St. Nicholas too:
And then in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound:
He was dress'd all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnish'd with ashes and soot;
A bundle of toys was flung on his back,
And he look'd like a peddler just opening his pack:
His eyes - how they twinkled! his dimples how merry,
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry;
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow;
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face, and a little round belly
That shook when he laugh'd, like a bowl full of jelly:
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laugh'd when I saw him in spite of myself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And fill'd all the stockings; then turn'd with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose.
He sprung to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew, like the down of a thistle:
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight-
Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Advent Activity Calendar Round-Up

Advent Calendar Activity Day 4 - Make Teacher Janice a Christmas Card

Molly and I had a great time with her Advent Activity Calendar! This is definitely something I see us continuing for years to come.

Day 1 of Advent Calendar Activities!  Visit Swansons Nursery's Live Reindeers. #MollyAdvent2013

I did learn a few lessons from doing this though. One important lesson is to BE FLEXIBLE! We changed a few activities at the last minute due to pregnancy fatigue, sickness and weather. It happens! We also had to curtail some of the activities due to Chicken Nugget's early arrival. I also decided that we'll leave out the chocolate next year. It gave Molly a weird rash on her chin and I think she missed out on connecting some of the activities with the calendar due to her love for the chocolate.

2013 Visit with Santa

You can see the whole set of Advent Activities on Flickr.
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Introducing Chicken Nugget


Scott, Molly and I are so happy to introduce Chicken Nugget! She was born on Saturday, December 21st at 2:45 a.m. at a hearty 8 lbs and12 oz.

Marjorie Catherine (Maggie for short) is named after my favorite Great Aunt Marjorie who I loved so much as a child. We had a special relationship when I was a child and used to exchange many letters which delighted 8-year-old me to no end.

I ended up with an unexpected VBAC after planning a scheduled c-section. I started having some crampy feelings on Friday afternoon and called my doctor. She said that it sounded like I might be in early labor and to time things. I timed them all evening and was having cramps every 9-10 minutes or so. I went to bed and thought well I'll get some rest so if I'm in labor, I'm at least rested. I woke up at 1 a.m. with crazy, intense contractions. I felt like I had to poop and my water broke. I woke Scott up and called my Dad to come watch the toddler. Scott called my doctor who said that we needed to come in. My Dad made record time and helped me to the car where I made Scott run a few red lights on the way to the hospital. Luckily we live about 2 miles away so it was a short, yet intense drive. We arrived around 2:15 a.m. and dashed into the emergency room.

I got wheeled up to the Labor and Delivery floor while trying to breathe and not scream. I got into my room and striped down. Seriously, just striped. The nurses were awesome. They got right in my face and told me how to breathe all the while communicating what they were going to do. My family doctor came in along with the OB. They checked me and said I was at 10. The OB said I could try a VBAC if I wanted. I said sure and asked for drugs. Well I never got them because they said I'd have to sit up and I was not able to do that. The OB who I have had issues with in the past was AMAZING! She coached me through every push and gave me clear direction. She was aggressive and firm which was exactly what I needed. I pushed maybe 5-6 times and had Maggie at 2:45 a.m. They put her on my chest and Scott cut the cord.

We've been chilling in the hospital getting to know our Maggie now. She's been sleeping most of the day and I should also sleep but I'm so amp'd up! Molly came by to meet her and thought she was pretty cool. Molly is now off with Grandpa and Grandma having an adventure!

Welcome to the world Maggie! We are so excited to get to know you!

Chicken Nugget - 38 Weeks

It's been a rough week in Nugget land. I had my usual BPP Ultrasound on Tuesday morning but she didn't pass with flying colors so my NST was moved up to Wednesday from Friday. That meant I had to take Molly with me but I wasn't worried as I was sure it would be quick. Two and a half hours later with another BPP Ultrasound thrown in, all was declared good with Chicken Nugget. Molly was a champ luckily which helped me out when I was stressing.

I had my usual doctor's appointment on Thursday and I'm measuring at 41 weeks. Whew! Big baby girl! I'm still feeling good but I'm so ready to meet Chicken Nugget on the outside. 6 more days (or less if she decides to make an earlier appearance).
Friday, December 20, 2013

Seattle Sheraton Gingerbread Village


Last week, Molly and I took an adventure downtown to the Seattle Sheraton to see this year's Gingerbread Village. This is the 21st Annual Gingerbread Village and it is always a delight to see. This year the theme was Nursery Rhyme-inspired castles. The Gingerbread Village benefits the JDRF Northwest Chapter, an organization committed to curing Type 1 Diabetes.

Gingerbread Sign

Molly was fascinated by the gingerbread village and even jumped one of the ropes to attempt licking one of the gingerbread houses. Luckily I was quick enough and snatched her back in time, otherwise she would have licked them all! That caused a bit of a heart palpation for me!

Gingerbread Molly

We went with one of our PEPS friends and her son thought the houses were so neat! He tried to go through the line a second time but by the time we were finished, it had grown way too long to go again.


The houses were crazily ornate and so awesome! If you have time to stop by and check out these houses, I'd highly recommend it. It was a quick and fun activity for us but one that I think Molly will be talking about for days. 




Thursday, December 19, 2013

Pinterest Thursday - Silhouette Framed Art


As I was redecorating Molly and Chicken Nugget's room, I found this awesome pin with a delightful idea! I decided to recreate it on my own.


I started by googling animal silhouettes. I found a few that I liked and then had Scott narrow down my selections to three animals for the three frames I had picked up at IKEA.


I then picked up some scrapbook paper from the craft store for the actual silhouettes and used construction paper for the background.


I used tape to place the pictures on the construction paper and then put them into frames. You could secure them more with glue but I was feeling too lazy to find the glue to do so.


This was such a fun and simple project to do and adds a cute element to any kid's room.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Wednesday Links from Around The Web 12.18.2013

YIIP: Day 360

A Love Story Between 2 Sisters - Oh I hope Molly and Chicken Nugget love each other this much!

15 Christmas Traditions to Start with Your Toddler - Molly and I did a lot of these this year and next year, I hope Chicken Nugget enjoys them too!

Holiday Gifts for the Pregnant Woman I won't be pregnant for much longer but all of these look like lovely gifts!

Secrets Only Younger Children Know

This is one amazing ad! and sadly so true.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Gifts for Neighbors

Advent Activity Calendar Day 5: Bake treats for the neighbors! #mollyadvent2013

One of our Advent Activity Calendar activities was to make treats for the neighbors. I started doing this last year after thinking about it for years. We have a lot of older neighbors that I see and chat with all the time. I love seeing them and bringing them treats at Christmas time.


Molly and I had a great time making sugar cookies for the neighbors and then I decided to add a few treats without Molly's help. I made fudge and cinnamon almonds and then added some chocolates to the boxes.

After nap one day, Molly and I headed out around the neighborhood to deliver our treats. Molly thought it was a grand way to spend an afternoon and our neighbors got a kick out of seeing Molly in action.

Do you have any holiday traditions or activities that you like to share with your neighbors and friends?

Monday, December 16, 2013

Final 8 in 2013 Update

Smitten Holiday Advent Calendar Mittens

I'm coming to terms with the fact that I will not be accomplishing all my 8 in 2013 goals but I do feel pretty good with what I did get done.

My 8 in 2013 goals were:

I am not going to finish the two quilts. I haven't even started them and with less than two weeks left in the year, it is not going to happen. I am hoping to catch up on the Woodland Sampler but figure I can always finish it in 2014. I did finish one of my cross stitch goals and two of my knitted goals (well the scarf needs the last two weeks of temps but they haven't happened yet). I'm also nearly done with Documenting Chicken Nugget in Utero and I have done almost all of Fat Mum Slim's photo challenges this year. 


While I did not accomplish all that I set out to do, I still feel pretty good with my goals. Next year will be goal-less. I'm having a baby in a few days and I am not going to set myself up for failure. 2014 will be spent getting to know Chicken Nugget, playing hard with Molly and having fun as a family. Crafty goals can wait. I'll craft when I'm able. 

Incomplete #fmsphotoaday I have so many incomplete knitting projects on my needles.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Chicken Nugget - 37 Weeks


37 Weeks

It's been a sick week. I had a cold and got something in my eye which made me think I had pink eye but I didn't, just a bad scrape. I've gotten some pregnancy insomnia but Scott has been letting me sleep in when I am asleep which is so glorious! 

I had a growth ultrasound where they have pronounced Chicken Nugget to be 8 lbs 12 oz with a big belly like her sister! My doctor thinks she'll be closer to 8 lbs but hey maybe I make big, hearty babies. My doctor is also convinced that I'll have her next week which I will more than welcome. She said that maybe the baby will be my birthday present which would be hilarious because then I'd get my birthday sushi! You bet, I'd be sending Scott out to get that as soon as I was cleared to eat. 

We're in the period of pregnancy where everything hurts and is a pain but I know that it will all be over soon and I'll miss being pregnant. I also know that an inside baby is a lot less work than an outside baby but I'm ready to meet my Chicken Nugget! I'm not very good at being patient. 
Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas Treats

Santa Cookies for Santa

I love the holiday season! Most importantly I love the holiday treats and while I can't indulge in most of them this year due to gestational diabetes, I still thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite recipes.

Classic Christmas Fudge

Cinnamon Crockpot Almonds

Cookies and Cream Popcorn

Chocolate Biscuit Cookies

Candy Cane Marshmallow Pops
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Pinterest Thursday - Activity Boxes


With the new baby on her way, I thought I'd make up some activity boxes for Molly so she'd have something to play with while I'm tending to the Nugget. 

Also because I'd really like to avoid any more instances of this kind of activity. 

I visited Fred Meyer and bought some plastic shoe boxes along with some toys. I also visited the dollar bin at JoAnn's for some cheap activities. Then I came home and printed out the stickers from this pin onto label paper. I stuck the labels on the boxes and got to work placing toys and activities in each box. 


I put stickers, coloring books, small toys, pom poms and sorting containers along with some foam ABC letters and masks in each box. Next I cleaned out our TV cabinet and put the boxes in there. Molly loves to retrieve the boxes from their home and play with them. 

This is also providing us with an opportunity to teach her to clean up. I ask her to clean up the box she is playing with before dragging out another box. We currently only have a 50% success rate but I feel that is better than 0%. 


I plan to add some more stuff to these boxes as I had left over favors from her birthday party which seem perfect for activity boxes. I didn't spend a ton to make these boxes either. I used some things that we already had at home. Then I spent about $15  on the plastic boxes and fun activities to put inside of them. 

Stacked Weekly Boxes

I look forward to changing the contents of these boxes up and making them as interactive as possible. I also really hope these keep her occupied when I'm nursing the Nugget as I suspect keeping Molly occupied will be a BIG challenge for us. 
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Packing the Hospital Bag

Hospital Bag

In just under 3 weeks, I'll be heading to the hospital to have a baby. Since babies are unpredictable and sometimes come early, I decided to pack my hospital bag now. This time around, I didn't just have to pack my bag, I also had to pack Molly's bag for her visit to Grandpa and Grandma's. 

For my bag, here is what I've included:

  • Baby's Birth Certificate Form (pre-filled out)
  • Warm Socks
  • Lip Balm, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner and soap
  • Camera Cord
  • iPhone Charger
  • iPad Charger
  • Going Home Outfit for me
  • Nursing Tanks (2)
  • Going Home Outfit for Chicken Nugget
  • Molly's Gift to Chicken Nugget (+ gift bag)
  • Chicken Nugget's Gift to Molly (+ gift bag)
  • Chicken Nugget's Blanket
  • Breast Feeding Herbs
  • Pump Supplies
  • Extra Hat + Outfit for Chicken Nugget
  • Car Seat (this has been installed in the car already. Molly yells, "Baby Seat" every time we get in the car now. She is going to be excited to a baby in there soon.)

I still need to pack: 

  • Photo ID
  • iPad
  • iPhone
  • Camera
  • Knitting! (a woman can dream)
  • Make-Up
  • Hairbrush

I haven't included much in the way of clothing for myself as I like to just wear what the hospital provides. Birth is a messy process and they can do the laundry. I'll be busy snuggling a baby! 

For Molly's bag, I still need to pack most of her essentials but here is what I've included so far:

  • Snacks and Pouches - Grandma and Grandpa will feed her just fine but I like to provide them with snacks in case of toddler meltdowns.
  • Disposable Diapers - again, why make my parents take care of cloth diapers when they are already doing me a huge favor!
  • Kindle, Kindle Charger and Headphones - This is the WHY WON'T THE CHILD SLEEP KIT where I give my parents permission to hand her the Kindle, put on a cartoon and let her watch it until she goes to sleep because you have to do what you have to do when kids are out of their usual routine.
  • Toys and Books
  • Eating and Drinking Utensils
  • Booster Seat for eating

Still need to pack:
  • Carseat
  • Winter Coat, Gloves and Hat
  • Clothing (I put her clothing in separate ziplock bags and label them. My Dad has taken her to church in her PJs because he didn't know they were PJs so I try to help them out)
  • Favorite Blanket and Doll
Monday, December 09, 2013

Preparing for Breast Feeding


Today I'm going to talk about boobs, lactation and breast feeding! I'm about to re-enter a time in my life where it really becomes all about my boobs (for better or worse). I'm feeling a bit more confident this time around since my experience with breast feeding Molly. This isn't to say that I'm not nervous about a few things. I worry about if Chicken Nugget will latch well. I worry about if my boobs will perform. But I know there are a few things I can do to prepare for a positive breast feeding experience. 

Molly and Mama

I've re-read Making More Milk, stocked up on lactation herbs and purchased some Soothies Gel Pads. I have a stock of Lactation Cookie Dough in the chest freezer and a HUGE bag of oatmeal in the pantry. 

I found my Breast Friend Pillow (horrible name, great product) and put it in my nursing station which also houses some granola bars, lanolin, burp clothes and my trusty water bottle. 

Burrito Molly

I've talked to my doctor about my breast feeding plan and I've gotten the ball rolling on renting a hospital grade breast pump. I found a great place that both bills my insurance and will deliver to the hospital. I've put the breast feeding support group schedule in my calendar. Now all I can do is wait and see how Chicken Nugget and I do as Team Boob. I'm hoping she's as good of a partner as her sister was because that made it a lot (selfishly) easier on me!

Snug as a Bug
Sunday, December 08, 2013

Sunday Favorites

There is a chill in the air which means it is time to snuggle up, drink hot coco and check out great photos! Enjoy!

1. Eternity Scarf, 2. Garland Sweater, 3. Ephrata, WA, 4. Pretzel Turtles, 5. a walk in the woods, 6. Someone wants to play. Someone will have to wait for Brett to get home for that. #sunday #snowdog, 7. Best. Present. Ever. I love my spaniel cookie jar, thank you @andysimonharris !!, 8. macarons, 9. Two buck haul from the Idaho thrift store. Mug!, 10. Sheep Ornament, 11. Advent Day 2 - Make Ornaments, 12. sweet hat, 13. Princess Snowflake, 14. It costs nothing to dream, but everything if you don't.     Rita Davenport, 15. Luna Day 35, 16. Feeling slightly better this afternoon. Not sure why this purple line keeps showing up in my photos, though. Thanks for all the get well wishes, friends !, 17. Pierre Hermé macarons, 18. What a gorgeous day! A great shoot with a super sweet couple from the States this morning, and then meeting up with my Instagram buddies in the afternoon... Oh and seeing London from above always reminds me of how lucky I am to be here... I hope you're al, 19. 31//52, 20. Justin & Collards, 21. A different kind of basting this thanksgiving eve., 22. Smitten :: done #knitting #mittens #smitten #adventcalendar, 23. Because Gnomes. #Knitting #Mittens, 24. Naturaleza muerta. Belleza viva., 25. Nov. 26, 2013 – Up right again

Saturday, December 07, 2013

Chicken Nugget - 36 Weeks


36 Weeks

Oh Chicken Nugget, We get to meet you in three short weeks (or sooner if you decide to be impatient). I'm at that point where I am so done with being pregnant but I know the longer you bake, the better. 

I've been preparing for your arrival and I think I'm ready. We have your co-sleeper set up, I have the hospital bag almost all ready to go, I have your coming home outfit finished and your sister talks about you a lot. 

I installed your car seat this week. Unfortunately I discovered that one of the cats had pee'd in it so the entire seat was washed (except the straps!) and everything is fresh and clean now. 

My doctor's appointment this week went well and all looks good. I realized that I only have two more doctor appointments before I meet you which seems really, really soon! We also consulted with the OB today who will perform my c-section. He said that he wants to give us skin-to-skin in the OR which is so awesome! He also told me that this recovery will be a lot easier since I won't be tired from labor. Since I had a pretty good recovery with Molly, I'm hoping this one is even better. 

We are so excited and a little bit nervous at the thought of having two kids in our house. But at the end of the day, we are more excited than nervous. We've kept your sister happy for over two years so we have faith that we'll be able to take great care of you too. 
Friday, December 06, 2013

Brussels Sprouts with Cranberries and Walnuts


For Thanksgiving this year, I decided to wing it when it came to making Brussels Sprouts. I threw a few ingredients into my cast iron skillet, tossed it in the oven and walked away. What came out was so delicious that I knew I had to share it on the blog. 


This makes a great side to any holiday feast or a simple addition to weekday meal. I also love that is a vegan meal so if you have an vegetarian friends at your holiday table, they will have delicious side to munch on. 

Brussels Sprouts with Cranberries and Walnuts
Serves 6

2 lbs brussels sprouts, cut in half
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/4 cup coconut oil

1. Preheat your oven to 400F
2. Place your brussels sprouts, cranberries and walnuts in a pan. 
3. Spoon your coconut oil over the brussels sprouts mixture and stir.
4. Roast for approximately 35 minutes, stirring often. 

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Pinterest Thursday - Rice Foot Warmer


A friend of mine had a baby a few weeks ago and when I delivered food to her house, I decided to include a small gift just for her! This was a fun and easy gift to make. I'm already plotting additional gifts for these! 


I started by making the muslin bag but I didn't have any muslin so I used some plain cotton in yellow. I cut and sewed the edges before filling it with rice. I did overfill the bag because I didn't have a bag that was the exact measurement as the pin suggested. I think this would be a great place to add some essential oil too. I didn't this time but plan to the next time I make these. 


After filling the inner bag, I got to work on the outside, more decorative bag. I found some pretty cotton fabric that reminded me of my friend. I also think fleece fabric would be a wonderful and cozy fabric for this project.


Cutting and sewing the outer pieces took me literally minutes. I think one could do a bunch of these in no time at all if they were organized and had the appropriate space. 


This project took me about 30 minutes from start to finish, mainly because I didn't have anything set up. Next time I suspect I'll be able to get these done faster! 

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