Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Catching Up

Whew! I've been behind and running to catch up! I finally updated my daily photos and finished another Dulaan sweater. This one is for TMK and is my 12th item. Two more to go!

And this weekend I watched my ex-boss's children. On Saturday evening we heard steel drums and decided to investigate which led to Mot (she came over to make dinner with me) dancing in the backyard while the kids laughed at her.

We are sure those are dignitaries at the party next door!

Then on Sunday for Father's Day I took one of the dogs with me for a visit! The other two dogs were at the vet's (due to getting into something and becoming ill) and the third was lonely. I thought she could play with my brother's dogs which she did but she wasn't too sure at first!

Next on the list of catching up is SLEEP!

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