Friday, June 29, 2007
Happy Birthday Little Brother


Today my brother turns 31 years old which means that he is getting older which in turn means that I am getting older, a fact he never forgets to mention. Last night we had a birthday dinner to celebrate my brother's big day. He told us about his intern and how he was the boy's mentor. MY BROTHER IS SOMEONE'S FREAKING MENTOR? How did this happen? How did the little boy who collected snakes and tadpoles become someone's mentor?

Does this kid know that my brother used to take apart all the electronics in our house and put them back together just before my Mother's eye would pop out in anger? Does this kid know that my brother used to escape from the house so he could go out and bite people? I mean, my brother, the little guy, is a mentor?

Sometimes growing up and becoming adults together is just mind-boggling! I know that my brother is one of the smartest people out there and he does amazing things at his job but in my mind, he will always be that little guy with the budda belly that always got me in trouble. The one who always told my parents where we had been that day even though we weren't supposed to be where we were. The one who I used to kiss when he was sleeping because it bothered him when I told him about my actions when he awoke. The one who used to tell me how to drive when I was learning how to drive and he wasn't yet old enough to know how to drive. That one has grown up into a smart and caring man who still lives for danger by racing motorcycles.

So Happy Birthday Little Brother. May God be with your mentee :)
Eye Candy Friday


A remembrance of last weekend for this week's Eye Candy Friday.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

June 23, 2007

This weekend I tried to start my Chevron Scarf. I wound up my yarn and gathered my needles but for some reason the simple instructions elluded me. I knew that I would have to wait until I saw Amanda at Purlygirls before I could cast on correctly.

Chevron Knitting

And after talking with Amanda, I was able to cast on and start knitting.

Start of Chevron

I love these two colors together! This will be a beautiful scarf. Now I just need to knit, knit, knit to get it done.

Of course I still need to finish my Harry Potter Scarf too. Oh so many things that need the knitting!
Monday, June 25, 2007
When Mot is in town...

she makes me do crazy things!

Me and the Gum Wall

but we all end up having so much fun!

June 22, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Eye Candy Friday

Harry Potter Scarf

My Harry Potter Scarf continues along at a slow pace. I am enjoying the mindless knitting this project is providing me along with the wonderful eye candy.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Last Minute Knitted Scarf

One of my 101 in 1001 goals is to knit myself five scarves. Now that I have all my supplies for the Chevron Scarf from Last Minute Knitted Gifts, I'll be starting my first of five this weekend.


My Lorna's Laces Shepard Sock in their newest color, Envy finally came in today! I'm so excited! I have two extra skeins to knit up some socks for myself.

I'll be combining the Envy with some of the Lakeview colorway. It will be beautiful!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Tree God

This past weekend was the Fremont Solistice Parade and Fair. I think this year was possibly the best one yet! I met up with the Seattle Flickerittes and began snapping photos.

Waldos Ride

The "costumes" were inspired and fun!


Everyone was out in full force to celebrate!

Cheeky (June 16, 2007)

Some were more cheeky than others.

Family Tat

This guy had the most amazing tattoo. I wish I had been brave enough to ask him about it instead of sneaking a camera shot and whisking myself away.

The rest of my photos can be seen on Flickr.

PS Destiny seems to be doing much better. Her favorite person is back from Italy and she is thriving under the attention.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Double Eye Candy Friday

Stormy Weather

The clouds were amazing on Wednesday. Just amazing.

June 13, 2007

Destiny is doing a bit better. She ate last night (she hasn't been eating) and seemed to have a bit more growl in her step this morning. Of course upon finding that she ate some tuna last night, have left out no less than four bowls of tuna and wet food throughout the house in case she wants to eat again. Eat baby eat!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Harry Potter Knitting

I'm on the countdown to the next Harry Potter movie and the final Harry Potter book (July 21st -- I'm booked...yep, booked!) As I went through my yarn to post on Ravelry, I found an old scarf that I had cast on and knit a few inches but had never finished. Well with the final book coming out, I feel pressure to finish my Harry Potter Scarf! I know I can do it. It is basic st st in a tube. Easy Peasy! Must. Knit. Faster.

Harry Potter Scarf

Destiny is also feeling a bit better. She's still not eating so I made her eat last night. It is like having feeding a baby who hisses and growls at you. FUN! But this is for her own good, she needs to fatten up!

Destiny in the lap of luxury
She enjoys the luxury linens but really wishes that people would stop poking at her!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Mi Amore, Mi Corazon

June 11, 2007

Destiny is a sick little kitty. While my parents are in Italy and I've been kid-sitting, little Destiny hasn't been feeling too well.

Last night I went to my house to spend some time with Destiny when I noticed that she wasn't up to par, along with a few other indicators.

After calling the Emergency Vet Clinic, I knew she needed to go in for an exam. I had her checked out and she ended up staying over night to get some IV fluids. She has kidney disease and it turned out that she was very dehydrated. Her blood levels were also extremely elevated which could be from the dehydration.

Since the clinic closes at 8 a.m., I had to go in this morning and move her to her regular vet for more IV fluids. She's back with me now and is pretty pissed off at me. I'm just happy that she has enough energy to be mad!

She's my baby and my heart. I'd be lost without her hissing.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Eye Candy Friday

Falling Over

With June comes amazing plant growth and sunshine. It's a beautiful Friday!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Danger! Rigby Down!

June 6, 2007

Yesterday morning I awoke and stumbled through my morning routine. It was one of those mornings where you keep trying to get ready faster but somehow end up getting ready slower. After grabbing my coffee and heading out the door, I decided to give into the lateness and accept it. Otherwise my commute into work would be full of anxiety. As I sat ideling in traffic, I snapped a photo of the truck in front of me with a danger sign on it. Little did I know that the universe was trying to warn me of the danger ahead. About 5 miles down the road, I was rear-ended by two cars. I guess the car behind the one that hit me didn't see the bus stopping ahead of me. What a way to start a day!

Click on image for Flickr photo with notes

Rigby doesn't appear to be hurt too badly. I go to the insurance office today for an lookie-loo. Think good thoughts!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007

My Ravelry

Over the weekend, I received my invitation to and I am addicted!

Last night after Ferals, I went through my stash and began documenting it. I'm about 2/3 of the way through the stash and suspect that I'll be giving away yarn at my next PurlyGirls meeting.

Check out a sneak peek of Ravelry here
Friday, June 01, 2007
Eye Candy Friday

Discovery Polaroid

I heart Discovery Park. I love that around every corner is yet another discovery waiting to be discovered. I love the feeling I feel when I hike around the park. I love huffing and puffing up hills and down to the beach. I heart Discovery Park.
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