Thursday, August 21, 2003
Pioneer Woman's Anniversary

So here I am having an early lunch and checking out some great knitting blogs. I went to Pioneer Woman's Blog and noticed she was having her Boob-a-versary today. It reminded me of when I chose to have a breast reduction. It was about 4 years ago and after years of back aches and not having any clothing that fit me properly, I chose to have a reduction. Luckily it was covered under insurance and I had the best plastic surgeon. I took two weeks off work to properly heal. It was two weeks of pure boredom and I mourn the loss of knitting time since I didn't knit then. Oh the pieces I could have produced! Anyway, I have to say that was one of my best decisions. I know can run without being in pain, buy clothing without thinking too hard about the chestal region and basically just love it! I sincerely think that I would not have gotten involved in Tris if I still had the old boobs. They would have gotten in the way and I do not need that!

So anyway, Happy Bob-a-versary to Pioneer Woman!

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