Thursday, April 05, 2018

April Goals



I really liked having set goals for March and while I may not have accomplished all of them, they gave me great direction and helped me focus. 

Here is how I did on my March goals:

  1. Exercise 20 times - I worked out 22 times! 
  2. Complete "The Artist's Way" - Finished this up! 
  3. Embrace Minimalism by doing the Minimalist Game - Follow along on Instagram at ReeBeckiMinimalistGame - I did this and purged more than 450 items from my house!
  4. Read Moby Dick - I started but did not finish this book. 
  5. Catch up on my reading of the Bible - I'm nearly caught up! 
  6. Knit Nanoo - Still working on this.
  7. Knit my March Hat for charity - DONE! 
  8.  Complete TKGA Master Knitting Level I  - I'm thinking about tossing this goal aside. 
  9. Deep Clean and Purge the Living Room, Bathroom and my Bedroom - I did everything but clean the Living Room windows. 
  10. Inventory and Purge my Yarn Stash - I did a good purge but now need to organize my yarn into Ravelry. 


With that in mind, here are my goals for April! These include some 2018 goals and some specific goals for April. 

April Goals

  1. Exercise 18 times (Spring Break might hinder some of my workouts) 
  2. Buy a trellis for my garden
  3. Catch up on the Bible
  4. Read Moby Dick
  5. Knit Nanoo
  6. Knit my April Hat for charity 
  7. Work on the Girl's 1-and 2-year-old photo books 
  8. Deep Clean the Dining Room and Den 
  9. Update Ravelry with my Yarn Stash

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