Thursday, October 04, 2018

September Goals

YOC - January Inspiration

September was a blur! I did not do as well in the transition from Summer to School as I thought I would. I had all these big goals and didn't get to most of them. Oh well! 

Here is how I did on my September Goals:
  1. Exercise 20 times - I got in 21 workouts! 
  2. Catch up on my Bible reading - I worked on this and am not caught up but I worked on it. 
  3. Hang Wallpaper in the Basement stairwell - I started on this but quickly hit a snag. The ceilings are SUPER HIGH and over the stairs so I'm not sure how to reach them since I think a ladder would be unsafe? I'm stuck!  I may put the wallpaper in the basement hallway and come up with something new for the basement staircase. 
  4. Plant a new shrub outside the house - I did this and I love my new little Japanese Maple. 
  5. Knit my September hat for charity 
  6. Knit 5 miter squares for my blanket - didn't happen!
  7. Paint and Organize the garage - I've started but not finished this goal and I really need to get it done. 
  8. Paint the bathroom - this was delayed due to our other bathroom not quite being done yet. 
  9. Start TKGA Master Knitting Level I - Started!
  10. Continue purging the stuff from storage - Still purging! 
Project 52 - Week 29

Here are my goals for October! These include some 2018 goals and some specific goals for September. I'm hoping to crank through some things this month before the holiday season cranks up and keeps me busy. 

October Goals
  1. Exercise 22 times  
  2. Write daily for 20 minutes
  3. Hang Wallpaper in the Basement hallway
  4. Knit my October hat for charity 
  5. Knit 5 miter squares for my blanket
  6. Paint and organize the garage
  7. Paint the upstairs bathroom
  8. Work on TKGA Master Knitting Level I
  9. Work on Yearly Photo Books
  10. Work on Holiday Calendars

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