Saturday, May 17, 2014

Twenty One Weeks with Chicken Nugget

Maggie - 21 Weeks

This week, you finally conquered sitting. You have been trying for so long to sit on your own and this week you did it! I still put the boppy behind you because sometimes (ok a lot) you get excited and tip over. I like to have something soft for you to land on. 


This week also started on Mother's Day which was a wonderful day. I was able to spend time in the yard while you played with your Dad. Then later in the day we met up with my family for dinner. You were so happy to spend time with everyone and I was happy to spend time with you. 


We spent a lot of time at home this week which was actually wonderful. We had some playdates at home and while the house is more trashed than usual, it was wonderful to spend time at home. Because we were at home more, you were able to take some epic naps in your crib. I think this is just what you need so I'll be figuring out the best way to give you time for good naps while also figuring out how to run off Molly's toddler energy. 


I moved you from the co-sleeper to the Pack 'n' Play. I wanted to see how you did in it and well that transition went very well. I have missed having you sleeping right next to me in bed but you need to move to your crib at some point. I'm more concerned that your sister will bother you than if you'll be able to transition. You already nap in your crib so you are familiar with that space. 

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