Saturday, May 13, 2017

Week in Review 5.13.17


Wow-zers! This week was intense. Scott was on a business trip from Monday to Wednesday and then worked late on Thursday so it was just me and the girls, a lot. I'm also working to ramp up my freelance writing so I've been busy looking for new places to pitch and researching publications. Have any tips/sources for me? I'm happy to hear them!



I tried to get in 5 workouts this week but only got in 3. Molly refused to go to school early on Tuesday so I could go to barre3. She literally had a crying tantrum about being dropped off 15 minutes early and I decided it wasn't worth the angst. Unfortunately the other times just did not work out for my schedule that day. I did take a spin class and went to two boot camp sessions. I had planned to go to boot camp this morning but yesterday's workout left me so incredibly sore. I have to say boot camp continues to amaze me. I've been going consistently for a year, three times a week and I am still left with sore muscles. This morning I woke up and thought, I think even my eyelashes hurt and so I went back to sleep. My workouts this week may not have gone as planned but I got some in.



Our first Smith Bros milk delivery came and I'm hooked! I love the little box. I love the cold brew coffee. I love the ease of it all. My friend and I were excitedly texting each other about our deliveries on Tuesday when they arrived. It really is the simple things that make us happy.


Last Sunday, I prepped all our meals for the week since I knew Scott would be out of town. It really made a difference in the witching hour for us and I'm going to try to do this every week. It does take some pre-planning and a bit of time (an hour or so) but it is so worth it. 


The Girls

The sleep drama continues and I got some great advice from my pro parenting friends. The girls slept with me on Monday and Tuesday because I was too tired to fight them after two hours of trying to get them to go to sleep. They were both so tired by Friday that Maggie slept in until 9 a.m. and Molly took a nap. Something has to give!


Otherwise we took advantage of the nicer weather and took out their bikes to go for a ride at the church parking lot up the road. We also played in the backyard more and soaked in the sunshine. Being outside makes all of us happier! 


Other Goings On

I got most of my garden planted this week and I am so excited about the growing season. I still need to plant some zucchini but the Swanson's didn't have any out and my friend said it might be too early so I'll wait.

I've also decided that I need to start working hard(er) on my Master Knitting 1 program so I'm going to be posting about it twice a month to keep myself accountable. I also want to post more recipes. Have any requests?


Stories Published 

Seattle Refined: The ultimate Mother's Day gift guide for the ultimate Mom

Seattle Refined: Eat Your Way Through Washington State

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