So I found out that I didn't get the job I was really hoping for. I was very upset but I've moved on and am hoping that what ever is supposed to be, will be soon! I do have another interview on Wednesday but this one is for a short-term temporary job. Other than that, it sounds very interesting!
I finished Kim's scarf this weekend and am working hard to finish my Chicago Bag. It's been lingering in the knitting basket much too long. In honor of spring, I'm trying to get my WIP's out of the basket and through the finish line.
Yesterday I worked on a purse out of this fabric with brass rings for handles.

I don't have a picture of the finished purse because it's not finished. I'm having troubles attaching the brass handles. They keep getting in the way of the sewing machine and I can't sew the seam and then add them later since they are a closed circle. I'm letting it marinate and I'm sure a solution will come to mind.
As for me, I'm off to meet my former boss for coffee.