Monday, May 02, 2016

Monthly Goal Check-In (April)


Seriously I just barely checked-in for March and now it is time to check-in again with how I did on my goals in April. I did great on some goals and terrible on others. 

1.  Workout 4 times a week - Scott was gone for 10 days in April which meant that before he left, I worked out 5 times a week. Then he left town and I did nothing, absolutely nothing. I am starting a really cool program on May 9th called Sync Fitness's Little Black Dress Program. I'm excited and scared and excited. Until then I'll be taking some more Body Pump classes at Community Fitness. I love that class! 

2. Complete Whole30 in January 

3. Keep purging the house with the Bowl Full of Lemons 14 Week Plan - This month I sorta tackled the car and laundry room and did nothing else. I did manage to keep the house clean and picked up while Scott was gone which I consider a huge accomplishment. I also did the dishes every night. Big Accomplishment here! 

4. Complete Four (4) Day in the Life Challenges and participate in at least ten 10 on 10's - I completed this month's 10 on 10 and really enjoyed it. I have two more Day in the Life Challenges to go and 7 more 10 on 10s. 

5. Complete TKGA Master Knitting Level I - I made some great progress on this goal. I worked on the questions to swatch #1, #2 and #3. I'm using an index card system to keep track of what needs to be done. I'm also knitting a swatch a day for 100 days to get perfect swatches for this goal. 

6. Grow a kick-ass Garden! I made even more progress on this goal. I plan to talk about everything I did on Thursday in detail. I was also featured on NW Healthy Mama for my Ballard Garden. 

7. Read for 15 minutes a day- I have read every single day so far this year! I'll have my April book report out tomorrow.  

8. Volunteer with two organizations and include the girls - Due to Scott's travel, volunteering was light this month but I have my first bedside follow photography session in the NICU at Swedish First Hill in about a week. My PEPS evening group starts on May 12th and I need to get another time scheduled for the girls and I to volunteer at Mary's Place again. 

9. Catch up on my yearly photo books of the girls - No progress here!

10. Get back to Blogging on a more regular basis and focus more on my writing - I have been writing almost every single day. I took a Social Media break this month for a week and my writing really took off. I plan to do that more often. 

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