Saturday, January 28, 2006
Artist's Way Week Three: Artist Date and Weekly Check-In

click on photo for larger view

Today I went on a near perfect Artist Date. I first stopped at St@rbucks for some liquid energy. Then I headed over to Paint Away for some pottery painting.

Last night I downloaded the perfect font and typed out some french words. I wanted to paint a new canister for my bathroom. I currently have one I painted long ago with an ex-boyfriend that holds my hairbrushes and it is time for a replacement.

I decided to use my two favorite colors (pink and brown) to create a french inspired canister. I gathered the paints and brushes and quickly set to work. I had such a good time painting and I can't wait to see my finished piece.

click on photo for larger view

Weekly Check-In:

1. Morning Pages: I did my morning pages 7 out of 7 days. I'm really enjoying them but I still need to learn to get up earlier so that I don't have to rush through them.

2. Artist Date: As you can see above, it was great!

3. Synchronicity: Honestly I was too busy with work to notice anything this week. I do hope that next week is a bit slower so I can actually take some time to sit down and think.

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