Wednesday, June 08, 2016

The End of Naps, Time to Unwind and Reading Logs Are This Week's Links From Around the Web

#100daysofsummer I know Summer is here when the Peony in my yard produces these beautiful flowers.

R.I.P. Naptime  I remember vividly when Molly gave up her afternoon nap. I was still in the throes of babyhood with Maggie, my Dad was dying and I was trying to hold it all together. I was desperate for the afternoon break from my children and I wasn't getting it. This time I decided that I wouldn't fight the decline of the afternoon nap. I'm in a much better state mentally for Maggie to give up her nap and we're currently in that murky area where some days she naps and some days she doesn't. My attitude toward this has really helped through this transition. Kids don't nap forever and the end of naptime actually means we can do more things in the afternoon. I feel like I'm slowly being let out of nap jail! Of course it does mean less time to get work done but there is always a trade off. 

More time to Unwind, Unless You're a Woman All of this, so much of this!

Transforming Lives One Mama at a Time I started going to a new gym and I'm in love with it. Mainly because of the amazing owner, the awesome community and because of women like Connie. I have more to say on this later but until then, check out this great post!

Can Reading Logs Ruin Reading for Kids? I'm so on the fence about this article because I'm a book nerd who LOVES reading logs. LOVE them. But I also recognize that not everyone is like me and that for some people the act of having to read and log it means that it is less fun. Fingers crossed that my girls keep up their love of reading!

‘When you find my body, please call my husband,’ wrote dying hiker lost along the Appalachian Trail This story is both heartbreaking and uplifting. In a tragic accident, this hiker passed on doing something that she loved while thinking of those who loved her. 

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