Monday, December 06, 2004
The Holidays are HERE!

I went to the mall this weekend and realized the holidays are here. The dazed holiday shoppers crowded the mall aisles looking lost while busily crossing items off thier list. Luckily I got most of my shopping done on Saturday with out too much damage and now just need to re-group to figure out what else I need to do.

I also watched Bailey (Stephanie's beast) this weekend and realized I didn't have any photos of her! She's quite the lovely and let me know this weekend by talking quite a bit. I also watched Zubin and made him pose for me in front of the Seattle skyline. He tolerated me. At least this time I wasn't dressing him up in knitted garments!

Speaking of knitted garments, I'm in crunch time on my secret project. I have exactly 9 days to finish it so last night while at a church choir show, I knitted and knitted and knitted. Today I'll be knitting at Weight Watchers, attending Purlygirls so I can knit and then knitting before bed. I know I can do this. The second half is always quicker than the first. Right??!?!?!

The other reason I need to finish the secret project is that this came in the mail this weekend:

That's my Lion and Lamb yarn for my Clapotis! I can't wait to get started on it.

And I want to finish my Shedir hat which I started on the airplane ride home from Paris.

So many knitted projects and so little time!

Also it's countdown time to my 30th birthday. In 14 days (on the 19th), I will turn 30 years old. I'm busy creating my list of 30 things I want to accomplish in my 30th year and plan to post them on the 19th.

Happy Shopping to all!

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