Friday, March 31, 2006
She's Here

Remember this blanket for the baby who was supposed to come at any moment?

Well she's here! She was born on Sunday to a very proud Papa and Mama and weighed a wonderful 8 lbs 4 oz.

Unfortunately though she is still at the hospital. Actually, late last night she had to be moved to Children's Hospital here in Seattle. She appears to be doing better this morning but it made for a long night for all of us. My sock kept me company while I waited. People are right, sock knitting in hospitals does help.

Keep the new one in your prayers and thoughts. She needs all the help she can get right now.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Yarn and Cupcakes

Have you seen the new yarn on the town? Sundara Yarn! As soon as I saw Purly Whites (aka Sundara) was selling her hand-dyed yarn, I knew I had to have some for myself. After much pondering (there were too many colors! such decisions!) I made my purchase and eagerly awaited the arrival of my yarn. Sundara mentioned that she wanted to visit the Purlygirl group and kindly offered to bring my yarn to the meeting. I loved meeting Sundara and I loved getting new yarn in such a great color! Now I just need to decide what pattern I want to use for this great spring color.

Last week I picked up One Skein from Fiber Gallery and began knitting!

Since I love making cupcakes, I knew I had to knit one of the cupcakes in the book!

and I'm almost done with the Irregular Cabled Hat. It's just missing the pom-pom!

Ughhh, ignore the dorky photo of me and just admire the hat. Look at the hat!
Monday, March 27, 2006
Artist's Way Week Eleven

Weekly Check-In:

1. Morning Pages: I did my morning pages 3 out of 7 days. I was just too busy having fun to do my pages this week.

2. Artist Date: I took my artist date this week to make Coconut Cupcakes for my co-workers and while I accidently left them at home today, I will bring them in tomorrow. These are delicious!

3. Synchronicity: Synchronicity was me asking the world to help me with my finances and help appearing. Wonderful!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Busy, Busy Bee

Whew! I need a break from my weekend!

On Saturday, I worked with Miss Darcy at a Winery Open House. We were in charge of plating up cheese and keeping everything tidy. The owners of the winery kept referring to us as "The Caterers" which made us giggle and then straighten up. The absolute best part of the day was the wine. We were each given a bottle of wine to take home and wine to drink throughout the day. It was delicious, though the cheese table may have suffered a bit toward the end!

Today I met up with my triathlon training group for a walk around Greenlake and a Chai at Starbucks. I can't wait to get back into training! I miss it!

Tonight I decided to make cupcakes, the cupcakes that my boss claims to be the best she ever had, the Barefoot Contessa's Coconut Cupcakes.
After tasting these, I can honestly say that her claim is true! YUM!

So after enjoying a cupcake (the remainder will be taken to work as bribery!), I sat down to knit from my new book, One Skein.

I am loving my new hat so far!

And the close-up is so pretty...

So many things to knit, so little time!
Friday, March 24, 2006
Finished and Modeled!

I finished up the Dulaan Sweater the other night and after I took the obligatory photo of the finished object on the floor, I decided to do my obligatory "put a dog in the sweater" photo.

Finnely enjoyed being a model for this sweater and pronounced it perfect for a Mongolian child!

8th item knit for Dulaan or 57% done (6 more to go)!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Dulaan Knitting

This Dulaan sweater started its life as a hat. After casting on way too many stitches, the hat/sweater began to speak to me. It never wanted to just be a hat. It had higher ambitions. It wanted to be a sweater!

So we headed into intense negotiations. If it wanted to be a sweater, what kind of neckline did it want? Would a V-neck be ok? And what about the problem of not having enough yarn to make a sweater? Could the sleeves be in a different yarn? Also how long did it want to be?

Back and forth we went until finally decisions were made.

The sweater, it would accept a V-neck and it also understood the yarn limitations. It wanted pink sleeves. Could I make that happen? As for length, it wanted to be long enough to keep the kids in Mongolia warm.

So I set to knitting and knitting. Even though this is a bulky sweater, fussing had to happen along the way, making the process a little longer.

Tonight I expect to finish the second PINK sleeve and then I'll sew the sleeves on to the hat that wanted to be a sweater. How lovely...

Sunday, March 19, 2006
Artist's Way Week Ten

Weekly Check-In:

1. Morning Pages: I did my morning pages 5 out of 7 days. I'm getting back into my morning pages groove and it feels good.

2. Artist Date: I took my artist date time this week to take a long walk around the neighborhood. I walked to the coffee shop but did not stop, I walked by people walking dogs, I walked through the park, past the child-like statues. I walked and walked and it felt good.

3. Synchronicity: My biggest moment of synchronicity this week was telling Mot that I missed the Finster and then having his Mom email me the next day to watch him this next week. YEA FOR THE FINSTER!
The "ok it's done so the baby can come at any moment" Blanket

Seven months ago, my college roommate called me to tell me she was pregnant and that she expected a knitted baby blanket from me. I launched into action and began researching baby blanket designs. I knew it had to be washable and brightly colored. I also didn't want to spend a million dollars on the yarn. After searching the internets, I found this beautifully colored pattern which called for yarn from Knitpicks (though I used Shine Cotton instead of Wool). Armed with my order of yarn, I began knitting and I figured out how many stripes I needed to do each day to finish the blanket in time for the baby.

I knit and I knit and I knit some more. Then I bound off and I began weaving in the million ends (which I must say that designer did say to weave in as one went but I ignored that wise advice).

Once all the ends were woven in, I began sewing the backing and the blanket edge onto the blanket. My sewing skills are a bit poor so this part didn't turn out 100% like I wanted but it is still cute. The original pattern calls for French Knots and Running Stitches to be added but I've decided to leave them off for now. I will ask the Mom if she wants them added and if she does, I'll gladly add them. For now though, Baby Gabby, you can come out NOW!

Project Details:

Pattern: Wild Stripes
Yarn: Shine from Knit Picks
Gauge: 21 sts/28 rows = 4 inches in stockinette stitch
Things I would change: I'd give myself more time on the finishing so that it is done right and beautifully.
Artist's Way -- Inspiration

Kat recently asked the S group to talk about what inspires them and I've been thinking hard about what inspires me. I'd have to say the world inspires me. The world is fully of unique individuals with unique thoughts and unique art. I love art in unexpected places. I love it when people don't know how creative they are. How art can be found anywhere. I find that if one opens their eyes, inspiration can come from the most unexpected places. I am inspired by the world.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Reasons why Matya should become my personal chef

1. She's an awesome chef who takes time to prepare dinner parties with a proper menu!

2. She leaves nothing to chance and you are guaranteed a great meal from the first course.

3. She follows each course up with something even better, until you forget to take photos of the remaining courses.

4. She makes the best damn tiramisu one could ever, ever, ever have! I had seconds it was soooooo very good!

5. She takes great pleasure in feeding others.

6. Her dinner party guests leave holding their bellies and groaning in pleasure.

7. Her wine pairings are ideal for each course.

8. She's addicted to the Food Network.

9. Because I get hungry, damn it!

10. Because Jesse the dog thinks she is a great chef!

So Matya, are you up for the job? The pay is poor but the emotional rewards are endless!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Death of a Hair Dryer

This morning afer my shower, after hair gel was applied and at the exact moment that I began to blow dry my hair, my hair dryer died a small death. There wasn't any spectular fireworks or smoke, just a sad click and a wail from me. I clicked and clicked to no avail. My hair dryer has given up the ghost.

After some more teeth nashing and wailing, I headed to work with a wet head and started internet shopping. Tonight after work, I'm heading over to Target where I'll be purchasing this red beauty. Then I'll throw away the blue beauty who let me down.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Project Spectrum knitting has been in full swing around here. I've knit up some super cute baby socks in pink! I've knit most of another mini sweater -- I love these things!

And I've cast on for my big Project Spectrum Lace Scarf. The casting on part took a long time since it is a picot cast on but oh it is so beautiful. Knitting this will not be a quick project but I know it will be a long wearing one!

March's Self Portrait Tuesday's theme is "Time" where you show the evolution of time through daily actions.

click on photo for larger view

My shoe addiction is growing even though I tend to wear my Danskos on most days and some days I even go sans shoes.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Artist's Way Week Nine

Weekly Check-In:

1. Morning Pages: I did my morning pages 4 out of 7 days. This was better than last week but I need to stop avoiding them and just get them done. I feel better when my pages are done.

2. Artist Date: I took my artist date time this week visit a lovely thrift shop in Stanwood. While the shop was looking a bit bare, I did find some beautiful shell earrings for only $7! A steal in my book!

3. Synchronicity: I've been noticing the synchronicity around me and commenting on it to everyone. Synchronicity seems to surround everyone if you keep your eyes open to it.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Happy Blogiversary to ME!

Three years ago today, I started this blog with the words, "It's my first entry! and my first blog!" and so began my journey into blogging. This site has changed over the years and I still remember Ryan telling me how to add photos to my site. I remember figuring out basic HTML so I could screw up my template. I love having a blog. This is where my history and future are told. It's almost like a diary but without all that super personal stuff (though once you see someone's nose upclose, it's hard to keep super personal stuff secret!)

So Happy Blogiversary to me! I can't wait to see what else is coming down the road!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
The Hat that wants to be a Sweater

On Sunday, I cast on for a Dulaan hat and started knitting away. On Monday, I showed off the hat to the Feral knitters and on the blog. On Tuesday, I knit happily along. Today, the hat spoke to me and let me know that it wanted to be a sweater.

I for one am not going to ignore a hat that wants to be a sweater and am doing what it asks. My only concern will be if I have enough yarn for sleeves but I've heard that vests are nearly sweaters so that might have to do in case of a yarn shortage.

Wish me luck!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Proving the Reality of Matya

A few weeks ago at Ferals, Ryan mentioned that she didn't believe that Matya existed, even though I often show photos of her. Not one to let a comment like Ryan's go by, I contacted Matya and told her she needed to visit me during a Ferals meeting. Last night was the NIGHT! They gabbed together like old friends and shared travel experiences.

Matya later told me that she enjoyed meeting Ryan. Of course the two of them came up with a new theory about Mot. Geesh!

I also started working on another Dulaan Hat last night out of some Bulky Lion's Brand Wool and a free skein of Phildar that I recently received. This hat will be very hard to give away as I am slowly falling in love with it!

March's Self Portrait Tuesday's theme is "Time" where you show the evolution of time through daily actions.

click on photo for larger view

Every morning I must have a cup of coffee in order to begin my day. Otherwise, I get horrible headaches (which I know is a sign of addiction but I don't care!) and the grumpies. I do love my morning coffee!
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Artist's Way Week Eight

Weekly Check-In:

1. Morning Pages: I did my morning pages 1 out of 7 days. This was not my week for morning pages. I felt pulled in too many directions with not enough time to accomplish this task this week. I'm not discouraged though as there is always next week.

2. Artist Date: I took my artist date time this week to make a magazine holder for my knitting magazines which end up squished in the corner. They now have a happy beautiful home.

3. Synchronicity: While I can't think of any specific moments of synchronicity this week, I know it was there in the background.
Hobo Knit-Along

I met up with Carrie for a spur of the moment knitting session tonight. We took the opportunity to each other our nearly finished Hobo bags. The knitting is done and now comes the hard part -- the finishing. Once the bags are felted, they need to be lined and grommetted. I can't wait to use my bag!

I've been lusting after those beautiful magazine holders sold at Paper Source and the Container Store but I couldn't stomach paying their prices so this weekend, I made my own! I took a cardboard box which was used to hold some folders that were delivered to the office and I wrapped the box in some beautiful wrapping paper which I bought by the sheet at the local paper store. This was a quick and quite refreshing project.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

I made a small Project Spectrum sweater this week and as the sun arose yesterday, I quickly ran outside and captured the sweetness of this mini swweater before the frost could melt away.

I'll be making a set of these dear things and hopefully my art model will be able to wear the next one. This one's neck is way too small due to uncareful planning.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Best Better Pal

I have been spoiled. Just spoiled by Sandy of Sandy’s Knitting. I’m not sure what I did to get such a wonderful Better Pal but I’ve had so much fun with Sandy’s packages. I oculdn't have asked for a better pal!

Inside the package was some Rowan Tweed, Rowan Kidsilk and Opal Sock yarn – all delicious yarns which I can’t wait to knit up. Also included was a book I’ve been eyeing called Hats Gloves Scarves bvy Louisa Harding. Sandy kindly provided yarn for a few of the projects and in doing so has helped me nail down my Project Spectrum project for March!

Isn’t it gorgeous? I’ll be wishing for more winter when I get this scarf done!

Thank you SANDY! You were a great Better Pal!

I was just over at Sandy's blog and I saw a bit of synchroncity. Sandy's Better Pal was Terri who I had as a Better Pal. Terri lives in the beautiful Prince Albert National Park in Canada and the photos of her home are breath-taking. Hopefully my present to her arrives soon! I did so enjoy being a part of the Better Pal Exchange! ***Edit: Terri's package arrived last night!***

Project Spectrum starts today and I already have my thinking cap on for what my red or pink project will be! I know I have plenty of yarn in this color so it won't be a hardship to come up with a project. In fact, I do have some socks (shown below) crying out to be knitted from the Winter Interweave Knits.

**Edited to add something PINK!**
30 Photos in 30 Days

As I sat down to read through my bloglines today, I quickly stopped at A Bird In The Hand and signed up for the 30 photographs in 30 days: a photography challenge.

My photos will be posted on my photo site where I am completing my own challenge of taking a photo a day for a year. I've been feeling a bit un-inspired and so I hope this March Challenge will perk things up for me a bit! I'll also post my photos to my Flicker site. I'm really looking forward to this!

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