Saturday, June 05, 2004
I'm still running after all this time...

Looking like a true survivor...I ran 8 miles along Alki Beach with Julie today. With the wind strongly fighting me, I quietly sang some Elton John in my head until I could hear Britney Spears on my headphones again. Yes, I do listen to cheesy music while running. I have two criteria for running music: 1) It has a good, quick beat and 2) I could sing the words in my head while running.

Today started out cloudy and rainy but during my run, the sun decided to shine and it made for a good run. It only the wind hadn't decided to blow! It made the last mile almost unbearable!

Somehow it's been a busy day with barely any time for reading and knitting! I'm about to rectify that with some quality time with my wool. I have too many unfinished projects to not settle in for quality yarn time.

Inspired by Becky, I did however receive the following in the mail!

I too plan to make a chocolate poncho like this:

But unless I can find Phildar Ruban yarn in the US, I'll definitely need to go to France in November with Stephanie. She laughed when I told her that now I have to go to France to get yarn! I believe her words were, "Well, whatever gets you to come with!" Here's to hoping I can afford it.

Time to knit!

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