1. I am rooted, but I flow. - Virginia Woolfe -, 2. Stitching, 3. Late Night Swatching, 4. First day of summer, 5. Wool People 6 | Designer Roster, 6. Untitled, 7. Spaghetti Squash with Kale, 8. kate's sweater, 9. We Call Them Pirates Lining, 10. Graham cracker ice cream sandwiches, 11. Nearly Gone, 12. Do you Oakshott?, 13. life-changing, uncluttered chicken broth, 14. week two hundred & twenty six, 15. Lauren + LA =, 16. Notes Leeds, 17. <3 a="" itsinthedetails="">, 18. 3>Spirograph, 19. Happy Halloween!, 20. You lookin' at me?, 21. Day 2470, 22. Mackinac Mitts, 23. Paleo Blueberry-Kale Egg Cups, blogged at earthchicknits.com #paleo #whole30 #baked #food #eggs, 24. here you are, 25. diminishing

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