Thursday, June 13, 2013

Pinterest Thursday - 7 Minute Workout

I've been wanting to try the 7 minute workout because everyone says it is HARD. I figured 7 HARD minutes of exercise couldn't be that bad, right? 

I have to say that it wasn't that bad! I ended up taking 8 minutes because I decided that the side plank should be done on both sides of the body. The push-up with rotation was horribly bad but I did it. I just didn't look good doing it.

But by the end of my 8 minute workout, I was feeling fierce! I think this would be a great workout for when you are short on time, traveling or even just getting back into working out. I'm going to suggest that Scott try this out. He's often running short on workout time and this might be just the ticket.

1 comment:

amanda said...


just kidding.

sort of.


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